Sunday, 29 March 2020

A lot of sh*t has run out...

We may be running short on toilet paper and hand disinfectant, but the one thing the world is definitely not in short supply of currently is fear.

And whilst a small handful of the population gets to kick back, do online yoga, walk their palatial grounds, get gourmet meal deliveries and not worry about anything because, well if we are being honest, someone else is  probably paid to do that for them, just about everyone else is in fear of something:

  • The fear of falling ill
  • The fear of losing a family member
  • The fear of death
  • The fear of job security 
  • The fear of job loss
  • The fear of losing precious savings 
  • The fear of stock markets not recovering
  • The fear of losing ones retirement
  • The fear of being stuck indoors with certain individuals, possibly abusers
  • The fear of being alone 
  • The fear of being forgotten
  • The fear of physical security.
The list is likely endless. Fear brings out the best and the worst in us. Always.

There are those ready to fight to the death over the last 16-roll packet of 3 ply toilet paper to add to their 124 packet stockpile...then there are those donating (now cancelled) wedding food to hospitals to feed medical workers.

Fear divides and fear brings us together. Fear destroys and fear conquers. Fear is unimaginably selfish and kind beyond reason. 
Fear always has and always will exist, and what we do with that fear has only ever been our individual choice.
Some panic, some hide, some preach, some seek it out, some run from it, some ignore it, some stare it down, some try to smother it with love.

One thing that is for certain though, is that in months to come, when all this over - we will all look in the mirror and have to face what fear turned us into. Lets hope it can be a person we can be proud of, not embarrassed by.

*Side note:
  • Thank you to the beautiful souls, whether friends or family, checking up on me regularly knowing that I am alone. Your kindness means the world to me.
  • Aviation family (from pilots to ground crews & everyone in-between) - times are so damn tough right now. So many people are either losing jobs, or on the other side of the world to their families, or flying cargo routes & keeping the world fed and supplied with medical equipment...may we all support each other that little bit extra during these times.