Monday, 23 May 2016

Child of No Land

Home...for a large number of people 'home' is a place. Its the house they grew up'in, or the dream house they purchased, or the little apartment they spent hours working towards putting a deposit down on.

Often 'home' includes a partner, maybe a couple of kids and a family pet. It is near to family and loved ones. It is a physical place one feels safe and secure, where one is familiar with all ones surroundings.

I've come to realize that for some of us, the above is not the case....and for many, especially the ones living the 'married with two kids, a dog, a picket fence and grandparents down the road',  this is difficult to understand.

Recently I commented to someone how I felt I was a 'child of no land' - reflecting on this statement the last few days I believe its probably one of 'the most accurate self descriptions I have ever made.

I come from a land where I was born to parents who each came from countries pretty far away,  I then married a man from yet another 'far away' country. I am influenced by African, European and Balkan culture. I love (& hate) things about all these places. I feel drawn to be protective towards all of them, yet feel firmly tied to none.

When I left my birth country for the Balkans many remarked how difficult the transition would be, some guessing that soon enough I'd be on the first plane 'home'. Once you move once, you'll never want to do it again' many remarked. That day and those feelings have never come...

You see, as I welcomed my pets off the aircraft from their long journey, and we returned to an almost empty house I realized 'home' is mobile - send my husband, my pets and I to pretty much any place in the world and we'll be just fine, in fact - we will likely be pretty happy. See I'm a child of no land and my home cannot be found in a map, for it lies within me and I carry it with me wherever I go.